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Common Mistakes In Interiors

Writer: chime chisomchime chisom

Using heavy furniture for a little space:

Furnitures are commodities that must be included in every interior. This is because of their importance and so professionals refer to them as the skeleton of interior decor.

Notwithstanding, it can still be seen as a problem when considering sustainability in interior.

Whenever you find yourself in a small living room with large furniture settings, you may automatically feel like you're in a box, all cramped in, this is because these large furniture swallow up the little space available thereby making the space look smaller than

it usually is. Also, people in such conditions are prone to accidents because there's always a tendency of badging into them.

Clustered up space:

You might like collecting things and stuffs but being minimal in your decor is really very important as it contributes a whole lot to the stability your mental health.

I took out time to ask a few folks in the past about how they felt when in a cramped, disorganised and cluttered up space and the responses were the same.

They felt suffocated (this happen to be the reaction of so many others including myself when in a space like that).

Some have very unorganized brain function because they barely focus on anything in such environment, others feel lousy and easily irritated.

These are all psychological responses to the environment that we are in and if our environment can affect us this much, we really need to take these into maximum consideration.

Using two or more bold constrasting colors:

Colors naturally puts a smile on the faces of people just like when you think of flowers and butterflies but they need to be

in considerable proportion else your combo might just become the beginning of a mental breakdown.

Colors stimulate your response to everything around you starting from your appetite to emotions of all sorts. This is also why in horrific episodes of movies colours used for customs and backgrounds are usually associated with darks, greys and few times reds.

Study have also proven that some colors are associated with the feeling of sadness and perpetual depression. So when you want to deal with colors, consult a good color expert so that you don't end up using the wrong or sensitive colors.

Too much furniture:

The first on our list was heavy furniture, now we have to talk about too much furniture.

Unlike heavy furniture, too much furniture is you exceeding the exact amount of furniture needed for a functional home. The importance of being minimalistic in your decor cannot be overemphasized.

Think airy interior and the hack to this is thinking about the flow of the wind. Make

sure to cut down on all the stuff you think you have in your house before you start looking like you're about to run a junk n stuff antique store.

No sufficient lighting:

When we're talking about interiors and psychology, light is a very important part of it. Lights are used as therapy for depression and it is called


Let's work out this instance, no matter how much of an owl you think you are, you still find yourself sleep when it gets dark. Now imagine going for days without shutting an eye, you become unecessarily sad, irritated and worse depressed. This is because, you have succesfully messed up your cardiac rhythm and your body isn't using up the melatonin your brain is producing for sleep.

This therefore causes a replacement or less release of serotonin (the hormone that triggers happiness), thereby causing depression. So as your body reacts to the light and the dark of the day, it also reacts to the lightning in your interior.

PS: I was especially excited while creating this because of how it made me sound like a scientist and also an environmentalist that i am. It's just me mixing my passion with my profession!



Ikechukwu Peter Ugwu
Ikechukwu Peter Ugwu
Feb 20, 2023

Very beautiful jobs 👍🙏

chime chisom
chime chisom
Feb 21, 2023
Replying to

Thank you very much 😁


Feb 17, 2023

Interesting article. Love to see it!

chime chisom
chime chisom
Feb 18, 2023
Replying to

Please see it's right there😂😂


Feb 16, 2023

This is so beautiful..Keep it up @purityrior designs

chime chisom
chime chisom
Feb 16, 2023
Replying to

This I shall 💪, thank you so much


Mik Geez
Mik Geez
Feb 16, 2023

Wow, beautiful photos and very educative article. Keep it up purityrior designs.

chime chisom
chime chisom
Feb 16, 2023
Replying to

I must acknowledge your keen eyes for details. Thanks you


Precious Ngene
Precious Ngene
Feb 16, 2023

Quite an educative read. I look forward to more of this... .

chime chisom
chime chisom
Feb 16, 2023
Replying to to serve😊

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