It's an abberation to think that love is only expressed on the 14th of the second month of the year. it is expected that you treat your spouse right all year long.
Valentine's day is on the 14th of febuary and we've heard of this love story over and over again just as we know of Romeo and Juliet and in memorial of the Saint Valentine, we go a little extra in showing this person that he or she is really special to us on this day.
Other days that are special/ unique amongst spouses are birthdays and annivesary. I'll cut to the chase now, I'm actually here for the ones who have no clue how this appreciation thing works, if you're the one, welcome dear one.
I know studies have it that people do have love languages which one of them tends to be gifts, but the truth is, everyone has this spot side for gifts and I'd always stand with this saying, "it's the thought that matters". If you like doings aka ime na cash, it's ok but don't forget that we're doing more than gifting this time, we are trying to be thoughtful. The easiest thing you can give to anyone wether you're gifting them or not is money and the money gets all spent on fixing and solving problems but the gifts we get are momentos that lasts for a long time and the memories created are like the stars we look at in the dark skies..
It is said that the easiest way to a man's heart is through his stomach, this also applies to your home, the easiest way to get to your spouse's heart at this time and day is through your interior, and i'll explain. In that your duplex or selfcon, you have a bed bah? getting beddings like duvets, bedsheets and pillowcases are the first hack here on my list. Imagine walking in to a new set of sheets and duvet layed on your bed with an inscription of affection or a moment you cherish with this person on that very sheets and pillowcases? You go love bah?
The next on my list is lighting: the beddings that we discussed earlier will go a long way but remember, we are not boring here but merely creating fantacies and that's were our warm accent lights will come in handy. Warm accent lights are nerve calming, soothing and playful. This will highlight what we wanted to accomplish.
Then scented candles; these candles with THE RIGHT SCENT, boosts a better mood and secretes a happy hormone and that's one of the ingredient we need for the day. Always work with the frangrance that provokes affection and something your spouse loves.
Did I mention customized throw pillows? Careless of me not to do that. when I speak of throw pillows, I don't mean those hard-meant-to-be-furrs with chunks of hard foams and a touch of shredded clothes that are sold by the roadsides, rather I'm talking of the kinds we make at Purityrior Designs Company, the kind that exudes comfort and relaxation, same
kinds that were made with micro fibres, those that you can remove the slip and wash them at anytime and you won't be afraid of loosing the fillings, the type that is so cuddly yet with different styles, pattern [both paintings and geometric designs] etc. I can go on and on but I think you get the point already. Now imagine putting a pix, a special moment or word, a picture on the throw pillow slip! Ooooh we are making 'em fantacies real! what more can I say?
You can get a bunch of other items to compliment the list .e.g. frames, customized vases, diffuser, etc, all are interior items that you'll have with you for a very long time. Who knows, you might want to show your grandkids while telling them the Chronicles of your youth.
Lastly on my list, don't forget about couple's things like bangles, bracelets, necklace, decide what you do want to share with your spouse though, but the actual last thing on my list is what I call sweethtooth and yes, we're thiking the same thing!
Get all the sweet things like chocolate, candies, marshmellows, lollipops etc. Love is a sweet thing and "No", You won't die of diabetes.
Now let's have that money talk from earlier. I know you were thinking I won't mention money bah? Please oo, in this our day and time, it's VERY neccessary. As little as you can spare at the time, add it to your suprise package. Ok I'm done.
Bye and do have a wonderful valentine's day.
PS: click on the link to subscribe to any of our valentine packages [Purityrior's Valentine Corner].
Your really doing a great work here.
So so nice
This is great, all nice packages, it makes thinking about how to express my feelings to my significant other simpler.
but I'd like to know if you can make delivery to the southern Nigeria.
Now I understand truly, what it means to be passionate about what you do, THE EASIEST WAY TO A MAN'S HEART part really got my attention 😂, I won't lie.
You're a Focused person who is building an Empire and I applaud you for that. KUDOS!!!
Articles like this keep me inspired and make the whole hardwork worth it. MILESTONES PURITYRIOR DESIGNS so proud of you.